Yoga & Yoga Therapy | Karma Clearing | Healing
Ullis brings 30 years of experience in health and personal development to teach people how to heal stress.She providing them with highly effective tailormade programs and the life tools needed to reduce stress, relax and achieve vital contemplation space.
Ullis is devoted to sharing with others the lessons learnt from surmounting extreme periods in her own life. The authentic wealth of her teachings is based on her passion for life and people, and her first-hand experience with adversity.
Ullis can draw on a rich career during which she was a Physiotherapist. Preschool teacher, as well as a Personal Trainer. Additionally Ullis has been an Aerobics instructor, a Yoga teacher and Yoga therapist. Her expertize in Yoga allowed to evolve to Yoga mentor specializing in Conscious Breathing, Spiritual/Soul Coach and Educator. On the personal front, she suffered a massive burnout, followed by depression, sleeping disorders, and for a time, was suicidal.
Surmounting adversity, Ullis has been seen on different programs on national TV, been interviewed in more than 50 podcasts and multiple magazine articles. She is a public speaker, a workshop leader for Northern Europe’s biggest festivals and one of the experts in a prominent Swedish platforms for Experts-ABLE
“Ullis is a warm and very competent Woman with Heartwarming compassion and knowledge. She meets you where you are and offers great guidance to help you improve your Health and Life, both Emotionally, Mentally and Physically. I can highly recommend Ullis Karlsson.”

Tailormade Programs
Do you work long hours and feel chronically tired? Is work pressure affecting your performance? Is getting motivated becoming a real challenge?
Do you feel a burnout is a real possibility? The essence of Ulrika´s work is to increase consciousness, and to guide you into your Heart.
Ullis is devoted to sharing with others the lessons learnt from surmounting extreme periods in her own life. The authentic wealth of her teachings is based on her passion for life and people, and her first-hand experience with adversity.

Flow & Spark – for couples
Many couples have issues to manage their energy, individually and together. Others lack connection and intimacy. Some might be consciously – or unconsciously – stressed and have lost the flow, and the spark in sex life.

Intuitive trauma and stressrelease
You are pure energy, as is your body. Everything is energy. When your energy flows freely, you are healthy, vibrant and in flow. You feel good and life is easy to navigate.

Karma Clearing
Imagine that you are completely aligned with your Divine and Sacred Souls Blueprint!
What would your life look like if you had full access to your vital life force energy?
How would it feel – and what experiences would you then choose in your life?

Master Yourself
Master Yourself syftar till att vara en medvetande höjning & uppgradering i energi och är en otroligt fin och kraftfull aktivering för att skapa balans i dina energicenter (även kallade chakran), det Feminina/Maskulina, Själens frekvens och mycket mycket mer. Ingen erfarenhet krävs!

Unique Yogic Therapy Consultation
You get the knowledge, insights and tools and your unique yoga practice – based on the philosophy and psychology of Yoga and Ayurveda (1000-year-old traditional Indian medicine).
Read what some of Ullis clients have to say
My name is Camilla Ljungberg and I work as as artist. I am participating in a 10 week course in Medical Yoga at the moment, and I have been doing Yoga with Ullis for 2 years now. Before I started to come to Ullis classes I had a very low self esteem, and I was very tired and stressed out. I knew I had to move on in life but I didnt know how. I have gotten very much help from Ullis, by her warm guidance and her expertise, through Breathing exercises, Yoga and by her wise words. I also have had individual talks with Ullis witch also have helped me a lot. My headaches, and my pain in my neck and my back that I used to have often, are almost gone now. I feel a lot calmer in life, and I have learned to listen more to my body, and into my Heart where I find my own answers. I am so much more Being me now than before, for this I am grateful. I highly recommend anyone with pain, stress, or with a longer to me more calm and more of oneself to come to, or to work with Ullis!
I have been participating in courses in Medical Yoga with Ullis for 5 years. Before I met Ullis I had a lot of panicattacks and anxiety, I felt depressed, and I had difficulties of relaxing in my body and problems of being present. I also had problem with my stomach. First time I came in contact with Ullis was when I booked a private Yogic Consultation with her. Already on this call I felt that she really understood my situation, and my feeling was also that she genuinely wanted to help me. She gave me taylormade easy yogic exercises to practice at home and this was my first contact with Yoga. Ullis warmth, her soft energy, and her beautiful soothing voice, together with all the different exercises has really healed me and given me a completly new perspectice on Life. I feel so much better nowadays, since I started to Yoga with Ullis. I have a better self esteem and self worth, I feel more secure in myself and I am handling Life so much better than ever before. Ullis is an absolutely fantastic Human Being. She is always so nice, very considerate and caring. Her personality is very warm and engaging and she is very professional. Her voice and her teachings are extraordinary and I recommend Ullis very much. If you get the chance to Yoga with Ullis, just grab the opportunity.
My name is Åsa Waak, I’m running my own business in areas such as well being and health, anti stress and life style. I’ve known Ulrika for 4 years and have attended many of her yoga classes. I’m very impressed with the way she runs her sessions, attending and seeing everyone that is joining her class. She’s an excellent teacher and class leader and I can whole heartedly recommend her sessions to anyone that considering working with her or to join her classes.
I have been participtaing in Holistic Yoga and Holistic Hormoneyoga courses with Ullis for 5 years. Before I came to Ullis I suffered a lot from anxiety and panicattacks, I also had sleeping disorders, and problems of relaxing. On top of this, I was longing to become pregnant. After attending to Ullis yoga courses, my anxiety and panic attacks gradually disappeared. After 5 weeks on Ullis Hormone yoga courses, I finally, after many years longing for a baby got pregnant. I am so happy about that. I truly recommend Ullis and her Yoga, its deeply healing and makes me feel very relaxed.
I had a calf which I had strained, whitch caused me great pain. I came to Ullis for healing. Ullis helped me by holding her hand on the calf and thereby identifying that something in the rest of my body needed to come out of my system. I remember her saying something like: “I hear someone inside of you screaming out loud”. The next day I felt really low when I woke up, I cancelled all my meetings. Stayed at home. Started meditating and fell into tears for more than hour. I just had to let go of a lot of sorrows I held at this point. When I had cried for an hour or more, I stood up. And to my surprise, my calf was no longer strained, and the pain was all gone… What happened? I have no clue. But it helped. 😊 What Ullis did? I have no clue. But Ullis treatment helped, for sure and I was happy about that! And I don’t need to understand what happened, I can highly recommend Ullis and her healing abilities to others.
My name is Anna-Lena and I work as a payroll administrator in an American Company. Its now 5 years since I came in contact with Ullis and her Yoga I was being ordinated Yoga by my doctor, after feeling low on energy for a longer period of time. So after a long time feeling very stressed, I also started to feel anxious and worried. I had problems being social with others, and I was having sleeping disorders. I was always tired and felt exhausted all the time. A friend of mine recommended Ullis, and on our first phone call I immediately felt confidence for Ullis. She felt very relaxed/calm, safe and secure and she has many many years of experience, and expertise, within this field. Ullis knows herself whats its like not feeling good about oneself. After these 5 years I have come to realize that my Breathing is of vital importance for my wellbeing. I always feel a lot calmer and more relaxed, and safe within after Yoga with Ullis. I dont feel I need to perform so much as I used to and my view upon myself and life is more relaxed. Ullis and her Yoga has given me tools to find myself. Ullis warm presence and soft voice has helped me into more relaxation and more calmness in Life. To Yoga with Ullis is truly an investment for the future! I really recommend Ullis and her work.
The essence of Ullis work is to increase consciousness, and to guide you into your Heart.
Her latest books “Holy F*ck and Sacred Water – the Secret Connections to Everything” and “The Sacred Soul – A Divine Evolution through Time and Space” are here to make a difference in your ascension process.
2:47 AM
The Journey Home to My Heart
A raw and vulnerable autobiography about my journey from mental illness and depression to an abundant happy Life.
The Sacred Soul
A Divine Evolution through Time and Space
Holy F*ck and Sacred Water
The Secret Connection to Everything